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Jam for Safer Spaces

Campaign for safer spaces at musical & creative events in Brussels

General Protocols for dealing with Harassment


Our policy is to frame all artistic interaction with respect, openness of perspective and lack of judgment. Should any issues arise during our sessions, we will strive to deal with these situations with respect, dignity, and confidentiality. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time if you witness violence of any kind, feel unsafe, or notice another person who feels or is being made to feel unsafe.


Feeling “unsafe” means that you experience discomfort or harassment caused by another individual or group of individuals. If such an incident is reported, the Host or the Facilitator will address the report or complaint as promptly as we can and according to our protocols. We believe survivors of violence, and will act on any and all information brought to our attention. We use both “Survivor” and “Victim” in this document to reflect differences in how people experience violent acts. Some feel “Survivor” fits their experience best, while others resonate more with “Victim”.


Sometimes the Host may miss things, especially when performing or taking a break. The Host will have appointed a ‘Safe Space Facilitator’ who will be the next if not first point of contact. Failing that please make the bar staff aware of the situation.

We will ask you what is happening and what you need in order to find out how we can make sure everyone is safe, support you and help resolve the situation. Staff can come in person to, when possible and appropriate, provide mediation in non-violent situations, issue a warning or, as a last resort, ask parties to leave or contact the police.


Any aggression, threat of violence or intimidation will not be tolerated. You will be asked to leave immediately and the police will be called and given your details and picture.


What You Can Expect from Us


We are committed to holding ourselves to the same accountability standard as all other participants. We are available and prepared to deal with situations that arise as best we can, and will share available resources when possible - whether it be personal resources (based on available time and relevant experience); or linking to external resources, i.e. other organizations with more expertise.


We will always believe survivors/victims. Consideration of survivors’ physical and emotional safety will always take precedence in our response to accusations. In a case where a survivor/victim comes forward because their harasser is present in the building, we will immediately address the situation in consultation with the victim. In some cases if we are informed and can assess the situation we may warn the accused to be on good behaviour. However, in some cases, especially if there is a threat to the victim, we will request that the accused individual exit the premises.

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